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Children Development

The Story of Practicing Forgiveness

In a peaceful small town, there were three close friends named Minh, Huong, and...
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Children Development

The Adventure of Nature Protection

In a small village surrounded by a vast green forest, there were three close...
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Children Development

A Story of Kindness and Love in the Family

In a small house in a peaceful town, Mr. Hai and Mrs. Thanh live...
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Children Development

Story: Proper Trash Disposal – A Valuable Lesson

One beautiful sunny summer day, Jhon and Lan, along with their classmates, were taken...
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The Story of Gratitude

Once upon a time, in a small village surrounded by lush green fields, there...
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The Story: Helping a Stranger on the Street

cách để giúp đỡ những người xung quanh khi họ gặp khó khăn, từ...
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7:00 am - 12:00 pm
children development

1 What do you intend to do in the future to the animal?  

Welcome to Eduma Kindergarten

Eduma School is a professional and modern kindergarten with dozens of years of experience and development in the upbringing of children. We bring senior teachers and clean environment.

Eduma confidently has given you a best educational for kids. We get smiles and future of kids as a goal and motivation for us. Wellcome to Eduma School.

Original oil painting Modern Impressionism